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On 29 November 2024, Benin Cashew SA successfully loaded 555 containers of processed cashew nuts. This milestone underscores our growing production capabilities and serves as a pivotal marker in our journey of transformation, growth, and positive impact.

The number 555 symbolises freedom, growth, and opportunity—values that drive our mission of creating a sustainable cashew supply chain. Benin Cashew SA’s progress would not be possible without the steadfast support of its shareholders, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations du Bénin (CDCB) and ARISE IIP. Together, these partners are transforming Benin’s cashew industry, driving growth, creating jobs, and fostering sustainable development for the region.

Benin Cashew SA also extends heartfelt gratitude to its global customers for their trust and continued partnership. Their support is instrumental in scaling operations, meeting international market demands, and building a brighter future for the cashew industry in Benin.

As we celebrate this remarkable milestone, Benin Cashew SA remains focused on the future, driven by a commitment to excellence and sustainability.